Esomar Congress 2023
Paintings, Doodles and a Mural Auction

I was invited to ESOMAR Congress 2023 in Amsterdam’s Beurs van Berlage venue to give a keynote presentation and operate a creative booth. I spoke about how magical technology is. And how those who use new technology are often viewed as cheats or magicians.

My first Silent Disco keynote
I created part of an NFT artwork on stage. And I also collected the award for best exhibitor—which was maybe slightly unfair seeing that I was the only artist exhibiting at the conference.

Changing Realms is available for minting. The location metadata is set to Beurs van Berlage
When I wasn’t on stage I was at my booth—drawing, painting, and meeting neighbouring exhibitors and passerbyers. Also, eating delcious food.

And dancing
I gave away a ton of postcard-size pieces of art and Happy Sun stickers. I drew on water bottles, chairs, and the 3 big panels of my booth. I painted commissioned pieces, painted pieces to put in frames, painted on canvas, collaborated with poets, signed copies of my 100 Day Project book, and sold Happy Sun totes.

The first day’s work


Had to keep moving everything as I painted the booth
On the second day of the conference, the 3-panel artwork was auctioned off to raise funds for The ESOMAR Foundation. Jos Vink from Blauw Research won the auction.

The winner of the auction and me

I loved my final booth. And glady accepted the best exhibitor award!

Got to meet some kindred spirits
I also created a little treasure hunt for art around the venue. If you found it first you could take it—for free!